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You Will Love Our Yoni Balance: It's not a magic pill. It must be part of your daily feminine regimen. Taking our tightening pills once a day is the start to a beautiful healthy yoni.
Made with all natural herbal ingredients: to make your vagina tight, firm and balanced with no side effects. Made in the USA by a registered manufacturer. Non-GMO, Gluten Free and no fillers.
Natural Vaginal Cleanser: Made with all natural herbs from mother earth. Packed with natural antioxidants that help cleanse your yon
“Yoni steam really help me with my cramps and periods. Good thing about it you can do your yoni steam in the comfort of your home.
I will buy it again”
- Janice
“helped with BV symptoms literally overnight i love all of female ritual products so happy to see boric acid suppositories added.”
- Jasmine
“Great blend! I purchased all three to try them all and see which I prefer, I have PCOS and I’m thinking this specific herbal blend will do wonders for me. The echinacea and yarrow in this blend work so well together!”
- Miranda
“The fastest way to rebalance your Ph levels!!! I’m super sensitive to literally everything so almost anything will throw my Ph off, but I slip in one of these little magic suppositories right before bed and by the morning I’m back to normal! I LOVE FEMALE RITUALS!!!”
- Relle